A 'configure' script is issued with the ufy source archive, which you can run to specify what things you want tuned when you compile the ufy interpreter. The 'configure' script has the following command line options:
--cc=CC --develop --without-symlinks --without-threads --without-network --mini --debug --nodl --static --lockpoolsize=N --prefix=PREFIX --bindir=BINDIR --modulesdir=MODULESDIR --packdir=PACKDIR --coredir=PACKDIR --docdir=DOCDIR --libdir=LIBDIR --includedir=INCLUDEDIR --config=UFYCONF --userhomeinstall --with-oracle=ORACLE_HOME --with-pgdb=PATH --with-tds=PATH --with-mysql=PATH --with-db3=PATH --with-curses=PATH --with-gtk=PATH
Because the configuration file is written in ufy itself, then once you know the languague, it's quite easy to change your setup. Take a regular ufy configuration file, for example, that looks like this:
#use $lang #require $lang #module pack type=dir recursive=true path=/usr/local/ufy/pack #module core type=dir recursive=true path=/usr/local/ufy/core #module native type=dir path=/usr/local/ufy/modules recursive=false #alias types core/types #alias stdio core/stdio #alias string core/string #alias stdlib core/stdlib #alias time core/time #alias net core/net #alias std stdio string stdlib time net types #path /usr/local/ufy/packSuppose you'd want to change what it means to '#use std'. Of course this is not common sensical, because many ufy programs depend on its current meaning, but suppose you'd want to change it nonetheless.
still to write..
Suppose you have written a module to add functionality to ufy in C. But before you release it to the world with all of its proper installation kit, you want to test the thing over and over again, of course. As well you should. A simple addition to the ufy configuration file is all it takes to test the waters of the installation and to make sure you won't have to type in any more letters to use the module from your scripts:
#module foo type=native path=/home/joe/work/ufymodules/mymodule.soAnd presto - all you have to do now from your code is issue a '#use foo' and you're good to go.
still to write..