
Ufy Platforms


On UNIX-like platforms, it is recommended that you build ufy from its C-sourcecode. Ufy is built and maintained on Linux, but it's occasionally compiled on MacOs-X. It works the same on both:
In a terminal, make a directory where you'd like to build ufy, and change directory into it. Then, in order, do 'tar xzf snapshot_ufy.tar.gz', 'cd ufy', './configure', 'make', and as root 'make install'. Alternatively, you can issue './configure --userhomeinstall' to get a version of ufy that works only for you. 'make install' will not have to be issued as root in that case.

WIN32 (Windows)

On Windows-like platforms, you should be able to download a binary executable, but for now that option's off.

At the moment, I don't have a windows machine at my disposal, and I have to make do with lcc on wine. If you're running a windows machine, downloading and installing lcc should do the trick as follows:
After unzipping the source archive, open a command-shell, go to distr/lccWIN32/ and type 'make'. If the lcc bin/ directory is in your PATH, this should work.

The alternative on windows, developer studio, visual studio, or whatever they're going to call it next tuesday has a workspace and a project file defined in distr/msdev/. Doubleclick it, and you would be good to go, except that I haven't had an installation at my disposal for quite some time, so that it'll probably fail.


This page is probably ill-maintained and might not contain accurate information. Last update was on 2006-07-18.

In between major feature revisions, I try to keep ufy up to scratch when it comes to multi-platform support. Currently, my platforms of choice are:

Author: Kees Jan Hermans
Date: 2006-07-06